Python’s Dominance on GitHub: A JetBrains Study Link to heading

In the rapidly evolving landscape of programming languages, Python has emerged as the undisputed champion on GitHub, according to a recent study conducted by JetBrains. The findings of this study reveal that Python holds a commanding position, accounting for an impressive 19.7% of all code hosted on GitHub. Notably, Python’s popularity surpasses other heavyweights like JavaScript (18.9%) and Java (16.4%).

Python’s Reign in Machine Learning and Data Science Link to heading

Beyond its general popularity, Python has firmly established itself as the preferred language for machine learning and data science endeavors. This prominence can be attributed to Python’s extensive array of libraries and frameworks tailored for these specific domains. With libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, Python equips data scientists and machine learning practitioners with powerful tools to explore, analyze, and manipulate data effectively.

The JetBrains study underscores Python’s effectiveness and adaptability, positioning it as the language of choice for those embarking on complex machine learning and data science projects.

For more detailed insights, you can refer to the JetBrains study.